Friday, March 22, 2013

When Will Women Realize "No Commitment is Never A Good Thing in a Relationship?

Today everyone on earth...both male and female are hungry for meaningful relationships.

This is a natural desire for God created all human beings to be lovingly relational.

No one was created to be an island.

However though all people would like to be shown kindness, generosity, love and tenderness...
Sadly today many who want friends refuse to be a friend...
Some do not know how to be a friend because they never met Jesus in their heart the ultimate friend,

Others want what they want when they want it regardless that that they want is sex, money, drugs or simply someone to do their duties for them so as to releive themselves of responsibility of any kind.

But it is impossible for anyone to be physically alive, have meaningful relationships without taking up their cross of responsibility.

There are many types of responsibilty and the kind we hear most of adults failing to fullfill is financial responsibility of males who take advantage of women, pregnate them and disappear leaving the woman alone with child to bear, nurture, provide for not only financially, but nurture love, raise and teach not only reading writing and arithmatic...

But to teach moral values to a child who is the son or daughter of a male who has no moral values.

Some women, usually those who are successful in careers most often fall into this trap of males who seek a female simply for no other reason but to declare himself not responsible for anything.

She cooks, cleans house from scrubbing or mopping the floors and vaccuuming the carpets...
She does the laundry helps her children with their homework, counsels her sons & daughters through their heart aches of bullies in the classrooms.

And what does he do?

Often husband fathers do absolutely nothing but sit around as a couch or recliner potatoe drinking sodas, beer and eating all her food that she not only cooked but purchased with her own paycheck earned by her own difficult hard labor.

Many of these males are not even around to have conversations with their children...
Then later these same mothers ask themselves after one or more of their children stray...

What did I do wrong?

He seemed like such a nice guy?

People cannot change other people and people cannot even change themselves.

Only God can mold and fashion people who surrender themselves to God living obediently to HIM & to HIS Holy Word.

My husband always says:   "It is when you are not looking for a friend that you will find one!"

But better said:   When one simply lives out their  life day by day, hour by hour in a kind manner...
Not doing unusually dramatically extraordinary things for others...

But doing their normal routines in a gentle kind way....
Eventually true friendships evolve.

Maybe with the person who works at the dry cleaning counter where you weekly drop of & pick up your suits that you cannot put in the washing machine...

Maybe the clerk at the pharmacy where you purchase your medication....
Or maybe the cashier at the neighborhood grocery store where not only you, but your own mother shopped from when you were small....

When ever only one person is doing all the giving...and the other receives nothing in return...
Especially in dating or romantic is a sign of what it will be forever!
That is if you allow it!

Career oriented successful be aware and weary of the "You do this for me and give me give me give me syndrome!"

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